Personnel Management System in Organization (online)

Human resources is an elementary part of the effective function of an organization. We clarify the importance of this department and the target. The connectivity with other parts of management in an organization and trends in HR will be in the next part of this module. For understanding how and the good running of HR in an organization, part of our module will engage in culture in an organization, national habits, important people, environment in an organization and motivation.

Lecturer of the study module

Ing. Yvona Charouzdová


The module covers the area of ​ personnel management in the organization. His goal is to acquaint with the importance and tasks of people management, with its starting points, development and current conception and responsibility for personnel in the organization. The aim of the module is to familiarize with external and internal conditions of personnel management in the organization, organizational culture, organizational climate and identification of employees with organization and work in relation to personnel management, specifics of international personnel management, personnel strategy, policy, personnel planning, motivation workers, job satisfaction, stimulation of workers and trends in people management. The core of the module is a system of integrated personnel activities.


1. The importance and tasks of people management in the organization

Managing people is a key part of organizational management. The task of people management is to optimally use the potential of people and investments in them to achieve the goals of the organization through leadership and personnel processes, creating prerequisites to identify workers with the goals of the organization, to job satisfaction and motivation of workers to develop. People management is a dynamic and sensitive area of​ organization management.

2. Background and development of personnel management

Personnel management requires knowledge of theory and practice and methods of many scientific disciplines. It makes use of many pieces of knowledge that form its multidisciplinary basis, especially in management theory, management, sociological and psychological disciplines, organization theory and organizational behavior, law, economics, andragogy, ethics, etc.

3. Responsibility for personnel management in the organization

Responsibility for personnel management in the organization lies with the top management, personnel specialists (personnel department) and line managers. The top management of the organization is responsible for personnel strategy and determination of personnel policy principles. Personnel specialists have a conceptual, methodical and advisory function. Provide personnel services to the management of the organization, managers and individual workers, ensure personnel activities, communicate in their area with non-business institutions. The responsibility for leading people and carrying out personnel work in daily contact with subordinates rests with line managers. The division of responsibilities and powers in individual areas of the personnel management system in the organization is conditioned by a number of facts, in particular the role of personnel management in the management system of the organization that is assigned to it. Personnel specialists cooperate with line managers to implement personnel activities.


  • DESSLER,G.: Human Resource Management. Management. Pearson. ISBN 9780133545173.
  • ULRICH,D., YOUNGER, J., BROCKBANK, W., ULRICH, M.: HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN 9780071802666.
  • ULRICH,D., KRYCYNSKI, D., BROCKBANK, W., ULRICH, M.: Victory through organization. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN 9781259837647.